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Councilmember McOsker on LA Times Reporting of LAPD Recruitment Office Recordings Revealing Racist, Sexist, Homophobic Comments

Posted on 03/10/2025

“I am angry and disappointed. While I have not heard the recordings, these reports—if true—contradict everything we have worked toward with the LAPD and the City for far too many years,” said Councilmember Tim McOsker. “We need an inclusive, thoughtful, community-based public safety agency—one that respects and engages every neighborhood and group in LA. For the recruitment office to engage in this behavior and language is completely contrary to who we are entrusted to be in order to provide competent and constitutional public safety. Discipline and corrective action in this matter must be pursued vigorously—not only regarding the alleged speakers, but also with respect to the failed leadership that would condone such behavior.”
